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Day 36

Updated: May 19, 2020

Back in the L&D-ICU. My patients are at the stage where they have been ventilated for a while. Long enough to have come in with COVID and now be testing negatives. Neither of them are well enough yet to be taken off their ventilators. They will be trached -where they put the breathing machine directly into your throat, not down your mouth - within the near future.

My coworker cared for a patient that had a stroke because of COVID - at least thats what the physicians are saying. The type of stroke she had is unique and rare, but something they have been seeing more with patients infected by the virus.

The patient had been living in Florida with her daughter. Her sister and niece came down with COVID so the patient came from out of state to help care for them. Unfortunately, the patient also came down with the virus. Now both the sister and the patient are on ventilators in different areas of the hospital.

Sad predicament. We will see what happens for both of them.

3 days left.


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