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Day 20

Updated: May 3, 2020

Today the sun finally showed up, after nearly three weeks of complete overcast. Then, as I left work, there was a solo car sitting in the lot right outside the entrance. The cutest couple was sitting clapping and cheering for each person that exited! Really helped boost my spirits.

I was on a different unit today, they transformed their labor and delivery area into another ICU. I worked with an incredible team. We cared for patients were critical, but stable. Except for one.

They were a middle aged adult with autism. They had come down with COVID while living in a group home a few weeks ago. They were ventilated for a while, then coded late last week. The team was able to get their heart going again, but their mind did not return. The family decided to withdraw care on Tuesday. The patient still has not passed, somehow their body continues to go on.

Their dad called to get an update, to see if anything had changed. He still had a tinge of hope things could somehow improve. I let him know that there had not been any change, but that they were being kept comfortable. He asked me to tell them that daddy called, and that he loved them.

Of course I passed along the message. I always talk to my sedated, or incapacitated patients. I know most cannot hear me, or even know I am there. But on the off chance, that somehow they can, they should know they aren't alone. That's still the thing I hate most about this virus. The solidarity it is causing everyone to experience. It's incredibly hard.


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